
Are these mushrooms harmful to the tree?

I noticed these little mushrooms growing on an oak in the yard, it has been really rainy this past week. I’ve never seen them before, but I’ve also never really looked at the trunk when it’s been really rain out, so I have no clue how long these have been there. They kind of go pretty far up the bark, but the tree looks the same as usual. Virginia

by Videoray


  1. Ineedanro

    No, they are not harmful. They are however a sign of decay. And in your photos I see other signs of trouble. Recommend you hire a TRAQ arborist to do an assessment.

  2. tiffanyjaeggi

    It means you have decay, get a certified arborist (and ideally TRAQ as well) out to fully assess the tree. Keep in mind, most if not all mature trees have decay. The fact that it’s at the base of the tree is cause for an arborist to come out for an assessment sooner rather than later.

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