
Does anybody know what these white dots are?

They started growing in my bird of paradise, hope it’s not something severe

by franunez


  1. AkeiraWolf

    I’m fairly new to the plant community, but I’m pretty sure this is scale (pretty bad pests) of some sort, which can be treated with isopropyl alcohol or horticultural/neem oil. Regardless, DEEP clean (every crevice is where 3× the amount are hiding) and make sure you get rid of absolutely every sign there is and just clean the entire plant overall. I’d repot as well and wash everything, maybe spray it down in 50/50 water & dish soap afterwards. Definitely check UNDER the leaves! I haven’t encountered these but the few pests I have dealt with ALWAYS have more underneath.. Good luck and make sure to constantly check this plant (and others around it) afterwards.

  2. skadteans

    Maybe they’re tiny aliens trying to communicate with you! Or just a funky pattern, who knows!

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