Gardening UK

My dad asked me to harvest the pears on his tree

It’s always been a prolific fruiter, but MY WORD! This isn’t even all of them, there is still a load on the tree, but they can stay for the time being, and I haven’t even attempted to pick up any of those that fell in the harvesting process.

Does anyone have any good pear recipes?!

by Legitimate-View-3277


  1. ChemicalTarget677

    Great harvest! I really recommend pear and ginger chutney. You’ll find a recipe online and it’ll be perfect for Christmas.

  2. Rooster_Entire

    So he gave you a conference call… my coats on, I’m going.

  3. Local-Feedback-78

    Get a dehydrator. Dehydrated pear is absolutely lush.

    This much should keep you in healthy(ish) sweet snacks for a year.

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