Fiddle Leaf Fig

Help needed!

Hi there – someone posted a similar issue with their fiddle leaf a couple of hours ago, and I found the replies super helpful. I’d like to add one additional detail—my fiddle is growing a new leaf. I’ve had her for 8 years when she was just a few inches tall, and for a over year I’ve been coming to this sub for the advice and push I’ve needed to rescue and give her a fresh new start but when push comes to shove, I always back out. I suspect it’s more of an emotional attachment more than anything.

Well, I finally got the final unexpected push I needed when I ended up in the hospital for almost a month and came back to the browning leaves (none were previously) and increased droopiness at the bottom. I wasn’t too shocked, since this has been a long time coming. So I woke up this morning ready to take action and noticed a new leaf, and I knew that I had to come here for some advice (& maybe even a pep talk or two) instead of chickening out. Thank you!!!!

by Careless_Internal_70

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