
Need Advice on Hoya Compactas I Just Got!

Hey y’all! I could really use some advice on what to do with these Hoya compactas I just picked up. I’ve never had these before, but I know they’re usually on the pricier side. I found an OfferUp post selling them for $20 each and couldn’t resist, so I got both!

One of them has sooooo many peduncles, which I really wanted, but its leaves are more yellow than the other one. The leaves feel firm and not mushy though, and the seller said they turned yellow because she kept it in the shade. She had them outside, and there’s a bunch of spider webs on them, which I’ll need to clean off.

Also, it looks like the pot with the peduncle doesn’t have drainage, so I’m planning to repot it. Do you think I should repot both together or keep them separate? And if I give them more sunlight, do you think the yellow leaves will turn green again? Any tips what to do with these would be super helpful. Thanks!!

by IndependenceBig8320

1 Comment

  1. Mysterious-Most1644

    I would be concerned about spider mites on both of them. The yellow leaves could be an overwatering issue but honestly dont know enough to say that confidently lol But otherwise when repotting I think you could either put them together or separate!

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