
How to get fruit plants to go dormant in the winter? I’m growing berries and grapes in my basement but they got way too big and I want to prune them and transfer to outdoors next spring

I didn’t expect the blackberries and blueberries to get so big despite being short varieties. My potted ones never got so big lol. The grapes I had a plan to trellis them thru the ceiling but life got in the way and I they grew so fast I got overwhelmed.

They’re in homemade dutch buckets sitting in perlite, hydroton and my pump runs 24/7 at a low flow.

The pics are from late June, they’re double the size now and completely unmanageable, so I wanna prepare for next spring. The last pic is the south side of my house, I wanna transfer my setup to against the wall there.

I want the plants to go dormant before I prune them though. How should I do that?

  • Reduce light hours?
  • Reduce watering schedule?

They’re in an insulated, unheated basement, I’m in MA. I wanted to move them outside and bury them in the soil for root protection (I do this with my soil potted plants), but I’m afraid the perlite won’t be enough to get them through it.

Appreciate the help

by LinusThiccTips

1 Comment

  1. Naijadey

    Wow you grew grapes hydroponically? How long did it take? did you start from seed? What variety? Thats wild bro.

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