
My IM-08 cutting is blooming! I bought this one specifically for the flowers, too. I’ve seen cuttings in bloom here, but never thought it would happen to me 😍

This guy was in a package USPS lost long enough they had to ‘investigate’, and I got it after 5 days in transit in 90+ temps (July/Aug), so I was frankly glad it even lived. This is also my first time using ‘aquarium substrate’ (I believe just small clay balls like mini LECA). I usually use stratum for my cuttings, but this was 1/2 the price. Still on the fence, but it obviously works enough. I couldn’t believe it even had a new stem grown from the substrate!

by Lynda73


  1. Proper-Coat6025

    congats! the flowers are so big compared to the plant!

  2. putitinapot

    Ah it’s one of the Papua hoyas I’ve been hearing so much about! Well done. The small leaf hoyas are so alluring and can be so heartbreaking. I’m glad you were rewarded!

  3. GavinsMadre

    The flowers look so cute. Do they have a scent?

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