
Trim the tap roots they said

Hello, I wanted to share this happy little accident. It's a tree that my grandpa grew from seed, the taproot has never been trimmed, which is typically not Ideal for bonsai. But because of that, this tree developed beautiful taper, the former taproot became its trunk, it looks so wild and I completely love it.
So I guess my point is, sometimes letting nature do the styling for you is the right way to go, even when starting from seed.
Let me hear your thoughts, and share your happy accidents too. 🙂

by FanOfCoolThings


  1. MeneerArd

    That’s nice! Normally they say trim the taproot because it will get most of the energy and because of that there will be less lateral roots (From the same level on the trunk). Those are the ones that give the tree an aged appearance. And because it’s more difficult to get a tree into a shallow pot when there is a several inches long inch thick root pointing straight down. But when it’s grown like this, with some movement, it can be pretty nice!

  2. CoryLover4

    It’s cool that you have a tree from your grandpa.

    I honestly cut every tap root on every tree. I get even pine seedlings grown from seed. I remove the tiny pine seedling and cut off the tiny 1 root and dip it in rooting hormone and treat the tiny seedling as a cutting as I want to start selling shohin pine material

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