
Help keep my girl alive!

So about a month or so ago, I noticed the blooms falling off my orchid and the stem slowly but surely turning yellow. I meant to take care of it then but during the chaos of getting my boyfriend moved in, she somehow got misplaced during some re-organizing. The whole “out of sight, out of mind” is real.

While on a step latter, I happened to find her next to me on the top of the fridge. My boyfriend is 6’6 and forgets not everyone has his POV🥲

What can I do? I don’t think she’s dead from everything but the stem looking healthy and have seen things about dormancy but unclear on how to go about it, if that’s the case.

I would appreciate any help you can give me!!

by RennyLola


  1. Intelligent-Pay-5028

    It’s fine, probably just thirsty and in need of a repot. All flowers die, it’s nothing you did. It’ll re-bloom eventually. Repot into a chunkier orchid mix, as this one looks either old and broken down, or like it was potted in soil, which shouldn’t be used for most orchids. Check the automod comment on this post for links to orchid care.

  2. Anon-567890

    Cut off the dead spike close to the stem of the plant and remove the stake. Save it if you want to stake the next spike. Looks like it needs a repot. The medium it’s in almost looks like dirt. My favorite medium is repotme’s Monterrey Imperial Dark. [Watch this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cWFyQzJbGDg&pp=ygUecmVwb3R0aW5nIHBoYWxhZW5vcHNpcyBvcmNoaWRz) for instructions on repotting! Soak the bark beforehand and soak the roots and current medium before repotting because you want to remove all the prior medium and have pliable roots

  3. millie_hillie

    She looks great! The flowers die off on all orchids. You’ve got multiple roots with new growth and you have a new leaf. Now that the blooms have fallen off, it’s a good time to repot into some fine orchid bark mix. I like the Gubler grow mix at Lowe’s and a slotted pot for airflow.

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