What's this plant

Passed it and immediately had a minor skin reaction with redness, bumps, and itching. Found in Nederland, CO, USA, near a reservoir

Passed it and immediately had a minor skin reaction with redness, bumps, and itching. Found in Nederland, CO, USA, near a reservoir

by merplethemerper


  1. Stinging nettle, hurts for a short time but otherwise completely harmless and edible earlier in the year. They are extremely common in Europe and every little kid probably cried when touching them the first time 😉 Are they not native and just recently spread to your area that you never saw it before?

  2. omnipotentworm

    Allow me to formally introduce you to the aptly named Stinging Nettle, or a close relative of it, these leaves look a lot thinner than the nettles I’m used to. It’s covered in hollow needle like hairs that inject venom into anything that brushes up against it. Fortunately it’s harmless beyond some temporary stinging and a swift blanching and rinse turns it into an edible green, most often used for nettle pesto

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