Carnivorous Plants

What kind of monkey cups plant did I buy?

I feel like I did when I got my first gigante when I was 10: “can I feed it too much?! Is it happy?” What kind of monkey cups is this?

by Emilywismer


  1. MrHamandcheesebread

    Idk but I’ve heard many people on this sub say that this specific type of plant shouldnt be sitting in water

  2. lemonlimespaceship

    It looks fairly happy! As the other commenter said, this is a nepenthes, and they are not fans of sitting in water. It’s hard to tell what type it is until there’s mature pitchers. Keep it somewhere with bright, full or almost full sun.

  3. Com_Safe_1988

    Nepenthes something and yea you want to
    Mistress the top soil daily but water normally and not bog it down with water on the tray.

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