Plant Clinic

Is this a defect or fenestration?

All my elephant ears are fairly young and they’re all grown indoors. Of the 10 or so leaves I’ve managed to grow so far, this is the first one like this! I have been moving them around a lot to different windows as Im still figuring out how to decorate my new place but also give it sufficient light.

Bottom watering ~ once a week with regular tap water (haha don’t at me, all my plants seem to do fine with tap water so far). Occasionally liquid fertilize, when I feel like it. Soil mix is 1:2 pumice:potting soil which is what I use for all my indoor plants.

(Cross posted to r/alocasia)

by stacefaceit


  1. Automatic-Reason-300

    Alocasias don´t have fenestrations. Your plant looks healthy but try to increas the light because it´s a little bit etioled. The petiole it´s too long.

  2. Tikkinger

    One-time defect. Nothing to worry about. Possible mechanical damage.

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