Lawn Care

Need advice on how to recover from this

Lawn: 2000 sq.ft.
Currently water about 180 US Gallons/day – watered twice daily (6AM and 5PM) using sprinklers.
Temperature: 40 Deg C (High) 28 Deg C (Low)

Used Aerating shoes to promote circulation
Applied Hydretain Granules about 1 Week ago
Applied Seweed Fertilizer about 1 week ago

The weather here in UAE gets pretty hot during the summers, we’ve been trying to understand why the lawn has dark and light spots.
Any ideas would really be appreciated.

by man2earth


  1. sendyournoodlepics

    Aerating shoes only contribute to more soil compaction. You’d want to use some kind of aerator that removes plugs/cores.

    Also, the watering seems inadequate

  2. man2earth

    Would you do the same amount of watering if you’ve added Hydretain?

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