
Now what?

I started this pile late spring, mostly as a place to put kitchen scraps and chicken waste, as we’ve always just dumped it in the woods on our property… I figured why not try to make something of it. It’s a mix of table scraps, egg shells, chicken and duck poo, grass clippings, leaves, and wood chips. We added a bunch of grass clippings in early August, and that heated the pile up substantially, and I think pretty much finished it. The problem is I am not putting anything in the garden right now and I feel like I don’t have any use for all of this great compost! It’s starting to runoff with the rain and I don’t want it all to go to waste. Can I store it somehow? Should I just add it to the top later of my garden and let it nourish the existing soil through winter, until I’m ready to plant again?

by thefalconess

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