Plant Clinic

Need feedback!! 2 year old indoor grown avocado sapling

Need feedback!! 2 year old indoor grown avocado sapling

by Avocado_Man_7569

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  1. Avocado_Man_7569

    Hello my fellow avocado enthusiasts, I’ve been growing my avocado tree from a pit (his name is Pesto) for exactly 2 years now. I know a lot of people recommend to prune the tree to promote more growth of leaves as well as thicken the stem but I chose not to do so. Pesto is 2.75 feet tall (33 inches to be exact) with 21 leaves. Unfortunately the lower 8 leaves are damaged from me under-watering him once I planted him in dirt (I have the watering under control now that I have a moisture meter). I water him every time the leaves show signs of drooping (roughly every 4-6 days) with 1-ish liter of water and also I have him in front of a south facing window all day. The potting mix that I have made is 1 part perlite and two parts dirt with some mixed in dead organic leaves so there is good drainage throughout the system, I also have sand on top to prevent mites and bugs from burrowing in the soil to lay eggs. Pesto is in a terracotta pot as well. I live in central PA and my aim is to keep him inside for my entire life apart from some summer sun so I want him to remain a reasonable size. I’m here seeking out feed back on what you guys would do, so ill ask y’all a few questions. Does my tree look healthy? Would you prune him (and where)? How does he look compared to other 2 year old indoor trees? and if I keep pruning him to stay this size will I get new leaves out of pre existing lower nodes (Also if I choose to do this will continually snipping the top stop it from growing forever)?


    So in short:

    🪴 I have been growing my avocado tree for two years from a pit

    ❓ Just looking for advice here

    🌞 10+ hours a day in front of a south facing window

    💦 1ish liters of water every 4-6 days (when leaves start drooping). The drainage in the pot is exceptional with the soil mixture being 1 part perlite and 2 parts dirt with dead organic matter such as leaves and flower

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