
Help with mold/fungus on soil

I asked about it a while back, but I have better photos now so I’m reposting. What do I do with it? As you can see on the last 2 photos, the leaves are also reacting to that :/

Do I just change all the soil? Someone in the last post said to dry out the soil – how tho, without drying the plant out?
She lives in a terrarium 24/7, she used to thrive there before that mold showed up, I can’t imagine drying her out :/

There’s no mold in my second terrarium, exactly the same soil, cuttings from the same plant, and it’s an absolute forest there.

by SpringApricot_

1 Comment

  1. its unlikely the leaves are dying because of shrooms or mold, unless they actually are touching the mold itself it wouldnt affect them. if you dont leave the top of the terrarium cracked, id try that, usually the only issues i ever had with bipinna is when the moisture was too much it would start to melt. believe it or not it doesnt actually even need high humidity

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