
New topsoil layer added and treaded. Next day heavy rain. How do we fix this puddling?

Yesterday we raked/tilled the stony soil of these beds, added a few inch layer of topsoil, levelled as best as possible, then treaded the whole thing. Looked reasonably flat, not perfectly so but passable. Today it's been raining all day, and these puddles are forming nearer to the camera, but not further back. My theories are that 1) it's simply not level at the front, or the slope of the garden is causing this or 2) it's not draining in these areas as quickly. I'm concerned it's number 2 because the area that's puddling was more compacted soil and we struggled to rake/till as deeply. We're going to be seeding with grass seeds and I'm wondering if we're setting ourselves up for failure in this puddled area.

What's your guys' thoughts on why this is happening, if it's even a problem, and what you think we should do before seeding to give best chance of even, well-draining grass bed?

Do we need to add some kind of holes or drainage system at the (slightly) lower end, for water to drain through the bricks?

by FileUnderSF

1 Comment

  1. Rickydic4

    Is There is no drainage on the wall? Not sure if it is on the stair side or not and but you should have clear rock and drain tile behind the walls with a drain exit typically 20-50 feet on center depending the size of the wall etc – if the water does exit is there a place to go I can’t answer

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