
Plant Help/Bugs or Sun Damage??

Hello internet comrades I’m needing some help figuring out how to help my plants 😩 something has been eating the leaves but I haven’t seen any bug or gnats or anything flying around, crawling around, nothing. My second thought was maybe sun damage? But the holes look like something was munching. I am going to let them dry out more before watering again to see maybe if I was overwatering but I do have a tendency to forget to water sometimes (good for them bad for me because I panic and think they’re dying when they’re obviously not😅). I do have another small plant and one more pothos on the black chair (second set of photos) but those two are fine and have no damages. Just the two I posted. Anywho, any advice or tips or general knowledge on what it could be is greatly appreciated, and TIA

by Mediocre-Excuse-4142

1 Comment

  1. Pebblesbaby143

    I always take the leaf the bug munched on or cut it off and bring it to a garden center they tell you the bug and how to stop it, hope this helps, it can get very irritating to watch your plant get all but up…

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