
Ant infestation: tips for repotting

I have this lovely Deliciosa that I’ve been nursing back to health for the past year and it’s finally grown by almost 50%!

Only issue I have now is that I let it have some time outside over the summer, and came back with ants 🐜

So I’m assuming I need to repot it. I’ve got some new soil for it, but it’s also super rootbound, which was not an issue when I reposted it the last time because I didn’t really separate the roots. I just put some dirt around it and it was fine. But this one has ants in it. I am worried that I’m gonna need to break up the root system a little bit more to make sure I get all of the ants out before I add the new dirt.

I really don’t want it to die, so I just need some advice on the best way to get rid of them while also making sure I don’t kill this baby.

by Pale_Crew_4864

1 Comment

  1. I would just stick the hose in the roots and try to hose them out. It takes a lot for ants to drown though so you may have to do it a few times cause I’m sure some will still be hiding inside if you don’t plan on breaking apart the rootball.

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