
Switching my tandurusa to leca, help!

Jackie, here, was purchased on Sept 21. I wanted to try an alocasia and told the hubs to pick one out and he picked out Jackie. When I purchased her the soil was very moist. I quarintined her in the garage (under a grow light) for five days while I inspected her for pests. When I brought her in I placed her under my Bird of Paradise which is also under a large five fingered grow lights and near the humidifier. I bottom watered her on September 27 when the leaf began to droop, but her soil was still damp when I watered. The leaf continued to droop to where it is now touching its pot and just a limp sad leaf. But now she's putting out a new leaf, too!!!

After lots of research I see that tandurusa's tend to be quite dramatic so I intend to wait at least a month before I even attempt to repot her. But when I do, I would love to transfer her into leca as it seems a lot of people have good luck with it. I have never grown anything in leca before but I have seen my husband do it for years with his hydro system. Go figure he picked out a plant that does better in leca, he has buckets of it in the garage. LOL

How and when do I transfer my tandurusa to leca as gently as possible? Thank you!

by KenriFalls

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