
I’m new to cacti… need some advice please

I've had my cactus for about 4 years and recently I decided to put him outside for summer but I think it was a bad idea, ended up getting rot on him…. so I followed some instructions online and trimmed dried and replanted and seems to have healed up. Now I have a new cactus growing out of the top and curious what I should do… cut and grow or leave it be?

Thank you sir for any advice

by MetalFingerzzzzz


  1. infravision

    Yeah man just let it be and do its own thing. Once the pup gets much bigger in the future, you can just cut it and you will have 2 cacti.

  2. railgons

    Let mother nature do her thing.

    I will advise, trichocereus need very strong lighting to grow properly. Indoors will not be enough, without the addition of high-quality grow lights.

    Also, these are high-elevation cacti from mountain regions, so they drink wayyy more water than many other types of cacti.

  3. BotanyBum

    How’s your soil mix? It may have rotted do to bad drainage most people use perlite, pumice, charcoal, or lavarock and add in some soil this will make sure it won’t rot at the base

    When you first put it outside only keep it in morning sun till 11am then shade then slowly increase lighting every few days by a half hour to an hour

    if your cactus starts to turn yellow put back in shade until green then pump it back up in the sun this will strengthen it

    I usually will purposely sun burn them and then shade then sun burn then shade but not burn burn just enough till they are turning a bit yellow I did this all spring now there in full sun

    Winter dormancy is just around the corner idk where you live but you might want to take that into consideration

    Honestly you can grow them inside but if you want any significant growth you’ll need a spider farmer light or the natural sun indoor/window growth makes them etoliate and grow slow long and skinny

    Putting them outdoor will fatten them up and speed there growth hope this helps ! 🫡 🌵

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