
Help with potting Phyllanthus Mirabilis bulb


I need some help with my bulb.
1) Instructions say to plant 30% of bulb in soil mixture but my bulb is pretty long so I’m wondering if too much of it is uncovered at the top. The blue line in pic indicates roughly how deep the bulb is inside.

2) I’ve watered the bulb until water drips down from the bottom, as per instructions. Instructions also say to do the same one per week once it sprouts but do I also water the bulb like that even if it hasn’t sprouted?

Extra context (idk if it’s relevant): I’m in Southeast Asia, it’s hot and humid. My bulb is placed in my garden under a translucent roofing.

Thank you!

by CalmCommunication693

1 Comment

  1. NerfPandas

    So in my experience these love water, I have no issue even if I water it all year. They like to be warmer to start growing though, so maybe next summer it will wake up unless it’s super healthy then once you water it could wake up.

    Don’t water again it until it starts growing.

    It can go pretty deep in the pot, I would say you can bury the fissure in the caudex completely.

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