Plant Clinic

These spots just appeared 😭

All these leaves were amazing and perfect until the last week all these brown spots appeared. I’m assuming it’s pest related. Help!
I put it outside during the day, wash down the leaves and water after about 2 days of dry soil.
Plant gets scattered sun (keeping it outside during the day)

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  1. plantsandstufff

    You say you wash down the leaves, is it possible that some drops stay behind, and when you put it outside they act like a magnifying glass for the sun and burn your plants? When you wash leaves, you only ever wipe them and remove all excess water.

  2. honelynn

    are they on new growth, old growth, or both?

    if it’s primarily on new growth, it looks like edema to me. basically there’s too much water in the leaves, and cells burst and leave a blister. this isn’t necessarily caused by only overwatering, but just watering that isn’t currently suiting what the plant needs in general. for instance, it needs to be watered more when it’s actively growing. the good news is that if it’s edema, the spots will fade away as the leaf matures and watering issues are rectified. [here’s a link]( with more information about edema

    it’s still entirely possible that it’s something else, but take a close look to see if edema is the answer

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