
Ficus Nitida bark cracking – how concerning is this?

Hello, I recently planted a Ficus Nitida tree in my backyard. This part of the yard is right on a small lake facing West so it gets a considerable amount of sun exposure.

This ficus tree was planted in summer in Arizona and I have it being watered 3 times a day so it get good water in this dry summer. I plan to back the water down when it gets cooler. The tree went through some minor shock when initially planted and loss a few leaves but nothing major.

Now the tree looks great. No leaves falling. Color is looking good, etc.

But just one issue: the trunk/bark on the tree that faces the lake (so facing West) has cracked a bit. I’m not sure at what stage it cracked though. It does not come off when I try to peel it but it can be visibly seen.

My question is:

Is this trunk crack ok?

Will this hinder the tree’s growth or ability to grow in the future?

I would really love this tree to become a giant beautiful ficus one day with a lot of shade.

I would hate to remove and replace this tree but if this crack will be a problem then better to do it now while this tree is still small compared to when it gets larger.

Any help and feedback is much appreciated. Thanks.

by mrdal1


  1. NoChandeliers

    Idk why y’all don’t let these roots breathe

  2. H0meslice9

    Probably from the heat if you’re like me and in Phoenix. All the ficus trees (plus lots of citrus, jacaranda) are splitting from the heat/dehydration. Keep a close eye out for sooty canker, I’m an arborist here and find it on maybe half of the ficus I look at.

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