
Any tips?

I just bought this for 5€ today, any tips on how to take care of it? Ive heard that you shouldnt have it in direct sunlight but I live in Finland and now during the winter we barely get any sun so is it okey to still keep it in the window? South east facing window

by Ok-Interview-4214


  1. Competitive_Fact6030

    Swede here! Since we’re going into fall/winter soon, youre gonna be fine in any window direction. We get so little sun and its very weak, so I highly doubt the leaves will burn from that. Monsteras are used to south America, so Finland is gonna be way less harsh. Personally I keep mine in a North facing window cause thats all I have, but I have a grow light on it now.

    As for care tips, right now you need to shower it off and look for pests. Look for dots, webbing, discoloration or misshapen leaves. You got a relatively big plant for cheap, I assume from some kind of big box store. These can run at a pretty high risk of infestations, so look out.

    Get a climbing pole set up. This can be a normal plank if you want, just something for it to lean on. Make sure you put it so the back of the stem (where the aerial roots shoot off from) is leaned on it. It does look like you have about 3 different plants in one pot. That is fine, but if you want to fix it so theyre all facing the same way on a climbing pole you can repot them later on together.

    As for watering, make sure not to overwater. Monsteras want to dry out a bit between watering, so only water once the top 5-10cm of the soil is dry. Use a stick or just your hand to feel it. If its still damp, dont water. If its dry, water quite a bit. Just make sure to empty out the tray under it so it doesnt sit in water for too long.

  2. Jolly_Substance_3018

    Have it climb onto something like a moss pole or a plank to make the monstera have fenestrations and to get bigger

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