Gardening UK

Prune or remove sycamore tree?

We just bought a house with a sycamore within our boundary and are unsure whether to A) prune it yearly to keep it small or B) completely get rid due to its placement. The red brick wall is our garden wall and the strip with flint is our property, both next to the public footpath and road.

From my research, I understand that sycamores are a nightmare and will sprout wherever their seeds drop and we don’t want to be pulling saplings out of our garden and brickwork every year. I also understand that they can grow very large and have vast root structures which could damage our garden wall and property foundations.

That being said, it is very pretty and I do like it but is keeping it going to cause more issues than it’s worth? Are there any other species that would be better suited? TIA

by fruitytetris


  1. It’s a lovcely tree in the wrong place. I’m assuming it will eventually destroy that wall in 20 years. Also you need to take off the strap it will kill it. If you take it out then replace it in your garden with something similar – the World needs all the trees is can get.

  2. Sycamore leaves have saw toothed edges so I don’t think that’s what you have here

  3. Adrian_Shoey

    Why is some of your land outside your wall? That’s madness!

  4. chaosandturmoil

    unfortunately it will be a nuisance there. it won’t take very long at all to push the wall but also annoy pedestrians. no amount of pruning will stop the trunk thickening and they regrow very quickly even if pollarded.

  5. Numerous-Manager-202

    I would get advice from council or whoever is responsible for the estate as to whether you can remove the tree or not first.

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