African Violets

Help! New owner of 2 rescue AVs

I work at a nursery and my boss recently gifted me two struggling AVs as a challenge to improve my knowledge. (We both share a love of houseplants and plant knowledge). I’ve never touched AVs before or even heard of them until now but I definitely want to beat her challenge. 🙂 I ordered 2 4 inch self watering/wicking pots and Schultz AV fertilizer.

Here are my questions:

1.) should I trim off and try to propagate the leggy leaves? (Partially as back up but also to encourage new leaf growth in the center.)

2.) Our temperatures are currently 90-100+ outside. I have one AV inside on a table right next to a north facing window (morning light side of the window and the window leads to a covered patio.) and one outside under the patio in a shaded but bright corner that gets morning light) I also have a grow light inside. Should I A.) move 1 of these to the other location? B.) try to grow these under my grow light? Or C.) change locations entirely? I’m not sure the heat tolerance for AVs and keep finding different answers.

3.) just from lack of knowledge with the wicking system how does wicking prevent the soil from still becoming soggy and over saturated? I know these are prone to root rot?

Thank you in advance! I wanna bring these AVs back to her blooming and maybe even propagate a few just to show off haha wish me luck!

by balta98

1 Comment

  1. Side question: is it possible to ID the type of AVs these are at this stage?

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