
My cacti have weird white fuzz around the thorns

I bought two cacti recently and they have this issue with white fuzz around the thorns, as shown in the images. I have isolated this from the other plants just to make sure it doesn't spread (other plants are succulents and snake plant, not cacti).

Water – sparingly once every 3-4 weeks.
Sun – it is placed right in front of a (west-facing) window since I bought it.

I am not sure what the issue is. One of the has considerably higher white fuzz than the other and I have separated them and have them far away from each other and other plants.

by Bunny-Wearing-Beanie


  1. mackerel_4216

    Does the white fuzz move? Does it just look like cotton? Areoles of cacti often have fuzz though some cacti don’t have fuzzy aeroles. Good job on taking precautions and isolating it first.

  2. Historical-Ad2651

    Those are just trichomes

    I see nothing unusual here

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