
What do you think to this set up?

After having chickens for over a year we decided to try our hand at rabbits. This is our temporary setup for a rabbit colony. You can kind of see that there are concrete blocks underneath so that rabbits aren't able to tunnel under and out. The old chicken coop is just there if we need to do any segregation. We are planning on getting one buck and one doe to start with. I know it isn't exactly pretty but I'd love to know what you think or if you can spot anything we may need to change or add? (Other than rabbits :P)

by Creepy_Forever8022

1 Comment

  1. No-Efficiency-3582

    I see what looks like concrete underneath. Is that correct? If so looks like a good way to start. I’ve raised pasture rabbits for a few years now. Tried a few different approaches. Biggest thing I’ve found is to have hard metal mesh around the perimeter or concrete so they can’t dig out. (That and honestly, toys. Lots of toys for them to play with helps keeping them from digging out) Don’t ask me. But it works I have extra plastic tubs and stuff I move around every other day or so for them. I guess kinda like a jungle gym. Keeps them entertained enough they stopped trying to get out. I don’t understand the fundamentals of it… But it worked. And mine was large scale. I have 2 bucks and almost 20 does. Are is about 1600 sq ft, plus with extra pasture I can open at will when grass is too tall

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