Native Plant Gardening

Surprise boneset volunteers!

I’m newer to natives and thanks to this group I was introduced to the concept of volunteer plants. I just never imagined that anything I’d actually want to grow would just show up in my yard. I always assumed everything that I didn’t plant was a weed that should be pulled (see goutweed under the boneset for example of what I’ve been battling since we bought this house 10 yrs ago 😖).

Thanks to this group I started leaving anything that I wasn’t sure about until I could identify it and this year I was rewarded with one horseweed plant and two large, beautiful boneset plants. I’m so excited! All summer my plant ID app was calling it “Dicots” so I waited it out to see if I could eventually get a species ID and now I feel like I won the lottery. I really hope these come back next year!

by fluffyunicornparty

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