
Help me help her! I don’t know what these brown spots are…

Hi! Thank you in advance for any words of advice. I’ve owned this Thai Con for about 6 months now and she’s always thrived (minus a brief bout with thrips a few months ago that was cured with Bonide systemic in her soil, new leaves still showing damage but no new sign of thrips!). Now all of a sudden she’s showing these brown spots on the backs of her leaves! You can slightly see them from the front where she’s variegated too and there’s one part that’s going through the leaf which really scares me. I only noticed them about 3 days ago and they seem to have gotten worse over that time. Please someone tell me you know what is causing this so I can fix it!! I love her and want to keep her healthy. 🙁

The only change that has happened is I moved her from her 3 seasons porch (getting too chilly now) to her indoor home under a very fancy grow light (soltech). This was about 2 weeks ago. Could that have done something I’m not aware of?

by ash-jas

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