Nice flower! A lot of plants in the Ascelpiad subfamily, which includes Stapelia, have interesting blooms. Ceropegia get really weird. Ascelpiads aren’t cacti though. Surprisingly there isn’t a Stapelia, Ascelepiad, or Apocynaceae subreddit so I guess r/succulents would be the best fit for this plant.
Banana for scale?
Awesome *Stapelia* but is no one going to notice the absolute UNIT of a *Hoya linearis* in the back right? That thing looks amazing!
That’s not a cactus
This should be on r/succulents
But, thes flowers make me uncomfortable for some reason.
I used to have one of these. I smelled the flowers and got a sinus infection. I remember the he flowers smelled badly.
Stapelia gigantea, amazing! They stink because they are pollinated by flies. One of the most fascinating plants I’ve known. I have S. hirsuta, gigantea and leendertziae. All amazing! Congrats!
Nice flower! A lot of plants in the Ascelpiad subfamily, which includes Stapelia, have interesting blooms. Ceropegia get really weird. Ascelpiads aren’t cacti though. Surprisingly there isn’t a Stapelia, Ascelepiad, or Apocynaceae subreddit so I guess r/succulents would be the best fit for this plant.
Banana for scale?
Awesome *Stapelia* but is no one going to notice the absolute UNIT of a *Hoya linearis* in the back right? That thing looks amazing!
That’s not a cactus
This should be on r/succulents
But, thes flowers make me uncomfortable for some reason.
I used to have one of these. I smelled the flowers and got a sinus infection. I remember the he flowers smelled badly.
Stapelia gigantea, amazing! They stink because they are pollinated by flies. One of the most fascinating plants I’ve known. I have S. hirsuta, gigantea and leendertziae. All amazing! Congrats!