
I am beside myself because of this little neglected plant…

I have had this paintbrush plant for about three years.
I am ashamed to say that I have neglected it the whole three years.

It used to have giant leaves that have all withered away. It has gone maybe 4 to 6 months at the longest without getting any water. It has sat in a basement window for years.

It has NEVER flowered.
I haven’t looked at it in about two weeks and just now I happened to look at it (I brought it to a better spot to take a picture of it) and it has flowered!

Now I feel so guilty that I’m going to find a better spot for it.

by kjpmi


  1. Gayfunguy

    Haemanthus albiflos likes to be neglected. So good job it looks good.

  2. ShinyUnicornPoo

    That’s wonderful, it’s so beautiful despite its (lack of) care.  It’s like a metaphor for folks like me who were neglected kids, still we flower in spite of it all.

    I’m glad you were able to see it bloom!

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