San Pedro Cactus

Why is the one rib so shy? Do I poke it with a stick?

Why is the one rib so shy? Do I poke it with a stick?

by Pretend-Plumber


  1. KactusVAXT

    Innit cool when they drop ribs?

    Looks fantastic

  2. I think they drop ribs when they areant quote getting what they need or are acclimating to a new spot.
    A few of my scops have dropped ribs late in the growing season when the sunlight gets less, also one dropped a rib when it went from being under grow lights to outside in the spring and was getting a little less light than it was used to. It grew like 9″ and got fatter with less ribs

  3. SpikyGreenStick

    He’s gone, might come back soon might not, looks cool tho

  4. Boogedyinjax

    You have to bite it… just a little nibble nibble let him know that you only playfully bite and he can stop being so shy 😆

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