Indoor Garden

My little laundry room garden! This is just the beginning. My friend’s mom gifted me a plant shelf, which made it much nicer. More info on the home situation at bottom of post.

I'm still getting the house I rent to a more stable state of "clean", as it was once a Hoard, but this is a huge step.

My role in moving in has been to fix the issues in the house. I do the deep cleans, fix appliances within my ability, give tasks, and more to get this place functional again.

Luckily, I brought the plants in right before the first cold snap. They're doing well in the laundry room, which is the only Cat Proofed room. It has a door that closes, shelves, a little space to mess around, a window that faces the sun pretty much all day, and more nice lil things.
Plus I use the laundry room most.. I live with 3 men(my bf and our two buddies) who are less clean than id prefer, but they are most definitely improving. Pulling their weight and more.

I think with this hoard I've been correcting, that the majority of the issue was them being depressed and overwhelmed. Especially since both boys who live upstairs are disabled(one is schizo and the other grows bones in places he's not supposed to), and their previous roommates took advantage of the space and were harmful to the well-being of said space. They weren't able to keep up. But since I started coming around, and eventually even moved in, the place is much more.. homely

Much love and thanks for reading this far, if you did.

It's seriously coming together.

by panickedfreak

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