Gardening UK

What’s making/leaving these small piles of … dirt?

I've just noticed today there's dozens of little piles of I imagine dirt or poop from something, but I can't tell what.

We have had rats around recently because of an old apple tree overhanging from an alleyway, but the rat poo I've found has been more solid and shaped like little pellets.

I don't think it's a cat, it doesn't smell (yeah I checked…).

It doesn't appear to be from under the ground, more like it's left on top of the grass. I can't find a hole underneath it for example.

My only remaining theory is that something is grabbing dirt and wood bark from a bed nearby and dragging it around…?

by Inner-Lie-1130


  1. Inner-Lie-1130

    Just to add: this might be a very stupid question. Should have warned that this is the first time I’ve ever had a garden so literally all of it is new for me.

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