@Garden Answer

Garden Answer Highlights: What Will You Call The Cut Flower Garden Now? // Suggestions for Fragrance In the Garden? // Recap 🌿

Aquascape Tabletop Fountain Kit – https://bit.ly/3Ae4Rc5


  1. We had a laundry shoot in our house from 2nd floor to the 1st floor. At least it would help with carrying it down. Maybe Benjamin could come up with an idea to build an clothes elevator to get the clothes back up. He is so smart!

  2. I trellised jack b littles and grew them in 5 gallon buckets. The yield wasn’t big but I did get some.

  3. My osmanthus is blooming now and you only have to walk past it to be bombarded by the sweetness. Zone 8, coastal NC.

  4. Love the Lawn Stripping! My husband would ❤ this !! ( Christmas Present! ). He too has a total melt down when someone gets off the road into our grass around our home. Spike Strips Aaron 😮 😂.
    Gates …. Game Changer! When we moved to our farm 15 years ago, we went several years with people trying to hunt, fish, cut firewood, etc. on our property. We have show horses and the barn and road to the back are beside our home. People would drive right past, I would have 😂to run them down. I couldn’t take it anymore!! Gate 🙌🙌🙌

  5. On the moles and voles, they’re in the same family but a huge difference in what they munch on. Voles I like to say are vegans and moles are carnivores. Voles are the really problem for our plants. Moles are eating our grubs 👍 and are the ones that make the tunnels with the weird flipper like feet. Voles don’t make tunnels but can make holes to get to the roots. Both can be controlled with something like Molemax.
    BTW thank you for answering my question today on the native trees. It’s a great perspective on how we view our environments

  6. Can you make the spreadsheet for treating which plants with which treatment available on your website? Along with the selling the different treatments needed? I've looked for a complete book to make it easy and haven't been able to find anything.

  7. Voles eat plants and especially gnaw on the bark of small trees/shrubs to access the inner layers; they make tracks in the grass like a cut trail. Moles eat insects and worms but make tunnels in the ground and mounds. Other pesky rodents are rats and mice who are omnivores eating both plants and other animals, insects and so on; they also make messy nests. Pocket gophers are annoying as are ground squirrels and prairie dogs because of their burrows, the resulting mounds of earth, and that they trim the roots and shoots of plants. Chipmunks are stripy, eat seeds and make tunnels whereas other squirrels nest in trees and may graze or eat seeds. Rabbits (short ears and small feet) and hares (big ears and hind feet) are also pesky with the Eastern Cottontail rabbit becoming a pest all over North America *(leashing laws??!!). Personally I like these animals because they are interesting, but I know they are pests and have no place in the home and may become a nuisance in the garden. "Good fences make good neighbors" -R. Frost.

  8. Voles are small like mice , live underground like moles – totally different than mice. Moles are about the size of a rat but live underground. Voles and moles live almost exclusively underground and I don’t think they have great eyesight above ground and they don’t have long tails and they move slower than mice and rats. They also don’t come into your house and barns. They also nest underground.

  9. My parents live in a small town in a corner lot. The previous owner put metal pipes on the corner to keep people from cutting the corner. Just a thought . . .

  10. I had to clean out all my flower gardens yesterday. I felt silly that I got so emotional. My lizzys were such a long process from seeds to cutting a bouquet. It was painful 😢

  11. Someone asked the difference between voles and moles. Moles eat grubs and insects. That’s why it’s important to treat a lawn for grubs. The grubs destroy the lawn. Voles eat vegetation. Voles eat the roots of the plants and will come above ground and eat other plants as well. Both are tunneling animals.

  12. Thoughts on moving the laundry room upstairs.. if you don't want to bring laundry baskets upstairs then think about putting in laundry chutes. If you end up renovating anyway you could just put in laundry sheets that go up and down. carrying washer and dryer upstairs is NOT easy. getting older you might regret that in your older years. I'm a house cleaner and I've met several people who regretted it. Love everything you do!

  13. I'm taking next year off of all squash because of their pests. I know squash bugs will go after everything else, but hopefully it will help diminish the population and really knock down the vine borers.

  14. Voles burrow and eat the roots of your plants (and also pop them out of the ground… really hate them!) – moles burrow and eat worms and bugs, etc.

  15. Moles make tunnels and eat worms and grubs, but don’t harm the roots to plants.
    Voles don’t eat worms or grubs, but eat DO eat the roots to various plants!
    Voles will use tunnels that moles make.
    I have had tulips and other plants killed by voles! If I want tulips then they have to live in a container or put a cage down in the hole and put the plants in the cage.😓

  16. Regarding the eventual new gate, when you were showing the area it seemed the access road was not blocked off with the gate? Is that access road going to be removed or blocked off?

  17. I LOVE the SPIKE STRIP idea 😂…..Guess I know what I’m getting Laura and Aaron for Christmas 🎄 😂😂

  18. I have been thinking about a gate for our new property too but I don't know how to handle things like delivery drivers where you don't know the time they will come. It defeats the purpose to keep the gate open all day but I don't know I would be available for a call button situation if I'm out an about on the property. Would love to hear how you will manage this.

  19. Please, take time off. I appreciate when you post there won't be a video (otherwise, I tend to periodically check throughout the day in case there were uploading troubles) but understand if you don't do that.

  20. How does Aaron get the lines so straight? Love all what you do. My husband learns so much from Aaron and his irrigation and tree knowledge. Your amazing also Laura.

  21. My jaw dropped at the footage of the door dash driver backing into that tree….what a fool! People like that shouldn’t be allowed to drive! I support you wanting to pop people’s tires! 😮😂 Hope the new gate does wonders for you!

  22. I was smiling when you were discussing the washer/dryer dilemma. After years of my machine doors opening back to back, finally, I got an extension built to the utility room. New machines, not only opening to left and right, but raised up so no more bending up and down for loading and emptying! Complete game changer. And I have storage above to match my height, so i can reach everything. I'm not a massively houseproud type, but 'doing the laundry' is almost a pleasure😂😂 Dont wait too long!

  23. Hey Laura, I big thanks to you. Dental appt. went so good yesterday. My hygienist and I spent the time talking about Garden Answer, what fun. Took twice as long for a cleaning tho!!!!

  24. For fragrance gardenia but I'm in zone 7. Also tea olive (sweet osmanthus) shrub zone 7-9. Mine throws blooms 2x per year.

  25. I never seen jumping worms til 2years ago. I think the cocoons came in on some plants I ordered. Be diligent in checking – these buggers are destroying my garden.

  26. From the website The Spruce A mole tunnels underground and causes damage to your lawn. A vole burrows below the surface and can also mess up your yard. These two small animals both resemble rodents and live underground, so it's easy to get them confused. But there is a difference between a mole and a vole, and it is important to know which one is wreaking havoc on your yard. Voles (Cricetidae) and moles (Talpidae) look different, eat different diets, and have little else in common other than their rhyming names.

  27. You feeling ok? You said the only time you drink tea is when you’re sick… Take a day off! No one is going to stop watching your videos because you actually take more than a Saturday off. Us diehards whom have been here since day one, will be here no matter what.

  28. As much as I love watching you every day, I am wondering if you could KINDLY insert the Temperature Laura keeps talking about in F ……………… make a screen note of the Celsius temperature she is talking about??? You do have international viewers, and I would love to be able to follow along and understand what TEMPS she is speaking of. PLEASE == add the convertor of your F to C PLEASE…….on screen.

  29. Laura, you never need to feel bad for taking time off. It's okay to take a break or not update IG or YouTube about where you are or when you are posting. Your family is your main priority and we are all here for new Garden Answer videos when you are able to post them. Take time if you need to! We love you and Aaron and your entire family and team. ❤

  30. QUESTION please: about the gates your putting in the beginning of the road. I noticed that they are forward some and your service road will not be gated. Just wondering about that cars can still get in. You’ve probably seen that but just wondering?????

    Great recap video loved everything. Thanks again for sharing this with us. Appreciated.💯💯💯🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

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