@Garden Answer

Garden Answer: Digging Dahlias + Harvesting Statice & Acorn Squash! 🌸🙌🌿 // Garden Answer


Proven Winners – https://www.provenwinners.com/
Espoma Organic – https://www.espoma.com/
Hartley Botanic – https://hartley-botanic.com/

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Garden Answer
710 Thrifty Way
Ontario, Oregon 97914


  1. "It's freaked out – we gotta save that" re. the spider – what a wonderful thoughtful little boy, a testament to his mum and dad's care and teaching, that is evident. Warms the heart!

  2. That all looks so satisfying and remarkable. Wondering: Russell is sure having fun, but haven’t seen Douglas for a while? Is he doing ok?

  3. Quick question for anyone who knows: if I live in 8b and want to overwinter my dahlias in the ground but want to move them to a different location – can I just dig them up, move them, cover with compost and leave them be until they start growing again? Or if I’m moving them, do I need to dig up and store?

  4. 😂 it’s nice to hear you call that weather “a little bit crummy”. I’ve struggled to get fall work done because it’s been so windy AND rainy, but this is a reminder that it’s still workable.

  5. Great video! So fun to see Benjamin help you in the garden and to help you save the spider.
    Super good harvest of acorn squash! I love it too!

  6. Ok, just sayin’ that spider gave me the creeps and I am sitting here watching via YouTube . You are very kind about spiders. It would have been dead in my garden immediately. I still can’t believe you don’t kill the Widows, ewww.🥴

  7. I always learn something when I watch your channel even if I have heard it before, I need the refresher because I sometimes have forgotten. Thanks so much!

  8. Why does Benjamin not attend school. He is a bright curious child who would love school. One can not underestimate the value of an education.

  9. I'll say it was a great day in the garden! Harvest of veggies, flowers and saving wildlife!

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