
@gardendesignmag: The versatile conifer has no rival for adding year-round interest to a garden. …

The versatile conifer has no rival for adding year-round interest to a garden.

Pictured: Left: The soft twisted needles of contorted white pine (Pinus stobus ‘Contorta’) offer a unique texture to this commonly planted species.

Center: The needles of the silver Korean fir (Abies koreana ‘Silberlocke’) curl up around the branches, showing off the silvery undersides of this fir species.

Right: The popular dwarf blue Colorado spruce (Picea pungens ‘R.H. Montgomery’) is a compact pyramidal form named for Col. R.H. Montgomery, who donated his legendary conifer collection to the @nybg

Photo by: Jose Picayo.
#conifers #trees #plants #plantlover #gardening #gardendesign #newyorkbotanicalgarden #gardener #pinetrees #tree #gardeninspiration

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