
All For Gardening: Why aren’t they big and when are they ready?

My jalapeños on this plant have always been pretty small but I just thought I needed to wait for them to get bigger, but even the red one is still as small and I’m pretty sure that’s when they’re ripe? I could be wrong but I just thought jalapeños were always green so I might have took some off too early? Just wondering how I’m supposed to know when they’re ready & what color they’re supposed to be, as well as if they’re supposed to be getting bigger? This is my first time growing so I’m a little lost, thank you in advance! 🤍🌱

1 Comment

  1. Wickedweed

    There are a lot of jalapeño varieties out there, some smaller than others. Size can also depend on the growing environment. Red is great! You can also harvest when green. Try both and see what you like the most. I’m a big fan of letting them turn red but I also harvest a lot of green ones

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