Gardening Supplies

Best Products for Gardening at Gardeners Supply Tour

John from goes on a field trip to Gardeners Supply Company in Burlington, Vermont to share with you some of the best products that will allow you easily grow more food at home.

In this company store tour, John will show you around their flagship retail store and all the products he likes that makes homesteading and growing your food easy.

First, John will share some of his favorite tools for harvesting, storing, processing, and preserving foods.

Next, he will head out to the demonstration garden at Gardener’s Supply company and share many of the different raised bed kits, self-watering containers, earth box-like grow boxes with integrated tomato cage / trellis and also an elevated raised bed garden so you can garden while sitting or on a patio.

Next, John will head back into the store and you will learn about several different types of trellis systems, holders to put your pumpkins and melons so they don’t rot due to bug damage.

You will next discover about a self-watering seed starting setup that includes lighting.

John will then share with you his favorite organic pest controls that he uses in his garden.

He will share tools with you that allow to extend your growing system, then show you some cool water wands and water-saving shut off valves.

John will then share with you not only bird houses, but also butterfly houses, mason bee homes and bat home.

Finally, John will share with you the best way you can grow food inside your house in the winter, or any time of year by growing sprouts and microgreens.

After watching this episode, you will learn about many of the top gardening products on the market today, as well as learn a bunch of gardening tips and tricks you can use to be more effective to grow your own food at home.

Referenced Videos:
How to ferment your vegetables without mold:

Big Bag Bed Easy Fabric Raised Bed:

To save up to 15% at the Gardeners Supply Company visit:
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  1. thanks for the video john…you should've thrown some moves with that salsa music lol

  2. Just excellent. Thanks for taking the time and effort to share your find of Gardener's Store and your gardening experiences.

  3. Great video as usual John. I especially like the segment on organic pest control. I'm surprised Garden Supply Company didn't give you a promo code for us to use, considering such a great promotion of their business. I waned to ask if you'd ever thought of selling your soil combination to others. You stress that you have perfected the combination for mineral rich, nutrient dense soil. The kind that many of us can't find; nor have the time to put together ourselves. You seem genuine about helping others and honest; I'd buy from you. I know you sell seeds from time to time, have you considered selling your soil combination? Would the fact that you use other brands in your mixture be an issue? Thanks. ~ Shilonda

  4. Hey John, you didn't post the link to the Big Bag Bed video.  If you want a better solution that doesn't self destruct after a few years (Jackpots are Nursery Quality AND made in USA), MUCH heaver material and stitching,  is 20" deep x 54" wide, then check out:  Also, please show video of BBB after 4 years of use so I can have a good chuckle.  I can provide some photos of Jackpots that have had palm trees in them for 15 years in FLORIDA, and still no sign of degrading.  🙂

  5. Could also use that first item you picked up for cleaning store or farmers market bought produce as well. Just load the items into it and take it outside to wash.

    "like the ladies out there" ? How about like some people out there. I have known men that don't know how to put things together and I am a female that loves woodworking and construction.

    That said those corners are cool – especially with the water spigot – and would be great for saving time.

    Those metal beds were cool and I could make those myself after a trip to my local Lowes. I could even change the color myself using my powder coating system I have here at the house.

    Some bats eat blood. 😛 I like the bat house, mason bee house, and butterfly house. I would mostly benefit from the butterfly house as I see them everywhere and I am also on some butterfly migration paths. Haven't seen any mason bees and not many bats but I know they are around so maybe the houses would help.

    – Heidi

  6. I would like to see a video or series of videos on how to garden with little to no money out of your pocket. There are a lot of us just struggling to get by from month to month and are on disability or maybe handicapped in some way. It would be nice to see ways to get around this and how to obtain stuff (legally of course) by bartering or something ( which a lot of us do not know how to do).

  7. Wow loveee the product very high quality🌷🌷🌷🌺🌺🌻🌻🌻🌺

  8. Always interesting to see what's out there. Thanks for getting us that discount!

  9. Fabric pots are great if you have a plot in a community garden. Easy and quick to setup; low cost investment to get a raised bed.

  10. haha, this is Awesome… I've been wanting to visit this place for ages… and now that I've seen this video i want to go there all the more… may have to make a trip some time, because if i can even begin to grow food indoors in winter, even as a snack or two once in a while, it would be Totally worth it… i live only 40 minutes from this place, but was never sure it was a place that would have what i may need… Definitely going to go visit the store now… just a matter of choosing a good day =)

  11. That's where I bought both of my flora light systems for growing my microgreens (sunnies, wheatgrass, etc.)!! I used to get their catalogue.

  12. I love Gardeners Supply company. I've bought several items from them. It may cost a little more but the quality is worth it. Thank you for the tour John. 🙂

  13. Thanks for your visit. These days, our stores are decked out for the season with nature-inspired gifts and garden innovations. Next time you're in Vermont, please visit our garden centers in Burlington and Williston, VT. Learn more here: 
    -David Grist, Gardener's Supply

  14. I'm a psychic gardener and I talk to plants!
    I recently made a psychic connection to my Tomato plant and asked:
    "Hello Mr. Tomato plant. Why haven't you produced any tomatoes?"
    The Tomato plant replied:
    "Because I'm a Weed, you idiot."
    I promptly pulled the Weed. Who's an idiot now?

  15. Absolutely beautiful store! Regarding the Big Bag Bed– you don't really mention the benefits of "air pruning" by growing in fabric in this video. Is there a reason?

    I just came across the concept and am quite intrigued. I'm considering buying some laundry baskets and lining them with landscaping fabric to make an "air pruning" container garden. However, I'm wondering if the benefits of "air pruning" are only really achieved effectively enough in individually-potted plants? Does air pruning occur significantly enough in larger applications with multiple plantings such as a barrel-sized container or raised bed? After all, not only is each plant NOT surrounded by open air in either of these types of containers, but there is more space for roots to spread out too?

    That said, I have already binge-watched quite a few of your videos and am wondering if this is why you don't talk about the benefits of air pruning very often? Have you experimented with air pruning and if so, what has been your experience? Did it not make a big enough difference in the health of your plants?

    Mahalo for what you do, John!

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