Garden Design

Creative Ideas from Cement and Rain Umbrellas – Fantastic Garden Design from Recyclables

Creative ideas from cement and rain umbrellas – Fantastic garden design from recyclables
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  1. Colors and the fact of putting living animals in there are ethnical choices…but the idea is great! Good job.

  2. No filter, too many fish ,fish are too big , they will die quickly. They’re living things not a flower arrangement

  3. Muito talentoso, mas comete o mesmo erro da maioria dos vídeos desse tipo: o espaço é muito pequeno para peixes desse tamanho e quantidade, além de não haver sistema de filtragem nem, provavelmente, muita preocupação com as substâncias que estão contaminando a água. Não há como esses peixes sobrevivam muito tempo. Mas é pra atrair público e conseguir likes, né?

  4. Die armen Fische! Schade dass diese Lebewesen keinen wirklich schönen und lebenswerten Lebensraum bekommen haben.

  5. Shouldn't they be worrying about the water damage to that wall, instead of hiding it behind their art?

  6. You're kind of corny. And those fish probably are not able to live there. What's the point in always throwing goldfish into a concrete blanket puddle and putting your snake plants nearby when we all know either you take those fish right back out or they end up dying. And those plants look fake af lol

  7. Alles zubetoniert, dass alle Kleinlebewesen keinen Raum mehr haben und die armen Fische, kaum Platz, das ist Misshandlung. Was Menschen zu ihrem Vergnügen alles einfällt um Lebewesen zu mißachten. 🤮

  8. Awesome! Would have liked to seen your smiling face!😊 It was a beautiful accomplishment.

  9. Are you crazy to put so many fishes in that little Cup of water ???? 🤬🤬🤬🤬👎👎👎👎

  10. Por lo visto se ve que le sobran paraguas y frazadas. Esta es la peor idea que se le ocurrió, podía haber usado los materiales para otra cosa . Muchos peces para poco espacio y no tienen aire para la noche están todos dados vuelta muertos .

  11. His wife will be pissed off from what he is doing to the umbrellas🌂 .
    Even the dog looked at the blanket like, WTF are you doing?

  12. Some good ideas but the colours are too garish for nature & the fish need to be replaced with a fountain & some water lilies❣

  13. Je suis toujours triste quand je vois qu on emprisonne des poissons dans un si petit bassin. La déco est belle pour nous, mais cela reste une prison vu du côté des poissons.

  14. Great creativity but I could cried when I saw those poor fish go into that teeny pond!!! Not ond if those fish is small enough to go in that. It’s very cruel and I don’t understand how people think it’s ok to make animals suffer just for the entertainment or ornamental affect for themselves.
    Selfish! Self centred! Cruel man!!

    If you’re so talented as to fashion up that creation, and you have plenty of space and rubble around, why would you not make a real koi pond? With room enough for them to enjoy their lives????

    The existing one should have a couple goldfish but certainly not fish the size you put into that teeny space!!

    Another idea which would improve on your design would be to add soil where you’ve laid fake grass and add grass seeds. You don’t need anymore than an inch to grow it in and that would look far more creative.

    Why not use that area, add more bricks on top, up to approx 4-5ft all the way around and then use it as a larger pond and the umbrella pot, could be re fashioned as a water feature, trickling water into the larger pond.
    Kinder to the fish. Far kinder. A show towards accepting we are always still learning things, and no shame in admitting you hadn’t considered the welfare of the fish but have taken peoples concerns on board and want to make a better environment for them. I’m certain you could create something fast better than I have suggested.

    Sorry to complain- but every living being on earth has as much right to a decent life as we do.

    Pls consider?

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