Container Gardening

Growing a Greener World Episode 1110: Container Gardening Anywhere: What to Know Before You Grow

We can all appreciate the beauty of colorful containers of plants and flowers to dress up any space. As simple as potting up a few plants can be, the best arrangements are achieved through techniques professional designers use to create stunning combinations. From selecting the most appropriate container, to choosing the right soil, to creating that magical plant combination, we’ll show you recipes for successful container gardening no matter how small or large the space.

Want to learn more? Check out additional resources and show notes on our web page:


  1. You do not want to lean anything organic like wood or soil against house wall….it will damage wall in many ways and require repairs.

  2. Mr. Lamp'l, please don't advocate using plastics (including Styrofoam), be it pots, liners, etc. Using plastics in your garden is basically putting highly processed petrochemicals in your garden. Plastics are non-biodegradable and many find their way into the ocean or poor countries. (1) They will also stay in your garden for your and others' lifetimes. John Oliver recently did an expose on the danger of plastics as pollutants, in which he notes that less than 8% of plastics are recycled. (see Last Week Tonight March 21, 2021) Moreso, plastics increase the demand for oil. Plastics are manufactured mostly from oil, and they increase off-shore drilling; oil companies trying to ruin our national parks and deface the lands of native peoples; fracking; and other environmentally unsound practices. (2) We need to be more environmentally conscious, which entails consumers demanding and using more environmentally safe materials: terra cotta, coconut fiber, glass, wood, burlap, silicone, etc. Plastics also disrupt a lot of natural processes, for instance, plastic liners prevent nutrients from reaching soil when a mulch not only provides many of the same benefits, but also provides biomass nutrients that are good for plants. I'm still trying to wean myself off of, particularly, mult-use plastics (I have my fleet of seedling pots, used over again every year), but a true organic gardener will work to find other solutions than plastic. (1) (2)

  3. What a great video! Best take-away? Lining w/ bubble wrap! Phenomenal! My own new lesson this year? If container is going to sit on wood, ie a deck, drill the drainage holes on the sides about an inch up from the bottom. This will prevent mould/mildew/rot underneath as it drains thru the wood.

  4. All my a great to see you so much to work Together !!!Together !!!Together!!!PLEASE!!!THANK YOU SO MUCH 🇺🇸🎧🕭🎏🗺🌐🏛🍏🍎🍉🍒🍓🍅🐱🐱🐱🐩🐶😆😅😄

  5. Love watching these shows ! In the beginning of the show it shows blueberries being potted. I was wondering if they grow like that year round , even in winter ? Zone 5a here. Montana

  6. You put way too many stones in your example. You put no more than half/one inch. For my larger plants I use tiny pumice stones with the soil. I stopped using soil like miracle grow and others from large box stores. Go to a local nursery and buy your soil and mulch there. I have notice a HUGE difference in my garden and indoor plants. Thanks

  7. I am a new follower! . I am really enjoying and learning a lot. This one was Fantastic. I had a thought while watching which I would like to share if I may ? I was keen to know the outcome of comparing drainage with or without stones at the bottom of a container and was going to alter my practice based on the outcome. However I was a bit surprised that more stones were added than usual for no obvious reason and also random amounts of water poured. For authenticity and for more reliable outcomes , could have simulated normal planting conditions re: quantity of stones and amount of water added. I guess have to do it myself!

  8. Enjoyed this video. I watch ur show on CreateTV (channel 246 Comcast)every Saturday morning here… Atlanta, Ga. Thks. I subscribed.

  9. Joe Lampl, I am so excited to find you on YouTube! I watched you religiously on PBS. Then they dropped you. Argh! So 😠. But I finally checked You Tube. YAY!!! I found you! I think I have seen most of your videos, but I learn ( or maybe am reminded ) something new each time I watch one. Thought I had lost you. 😄

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