Backyard Garden

Stop Making BACKYARD MISTAKES (same Mistakes over and over again)

Same old Mistakes – I’ve seen 100,000’s of times!! IT’S TIME TO STOP!! Stop the torture!! Stop the Wasting of Money!! Stop the Heartache!!!

1 on 1 Meeting with Micah –

3D Backyard Design –


  1. Help in Englewood (Denver-ish) CO! A big sloping suburban lawn, jonesing to become an entertainment mecca for all the friends I don't have. Yet. The dance floor, the Elvis impersonator, the Tupac wannabe, and the Marching Band. The winding path for the conga line, the fire pit down below, & the smokers and tokers nestled far from the madding crowd. The must have [portable/compostable?] toilets cleverly hidden close to the outdoor kitchen's DISHWASHER, while the automatic hands pop out of the tables smacking guys on the head, "Whatsamatta you?! Bus your dishes!" Then retract back into the table, invisible.
    A design along those lines, with a very modernist edgy look. Edgy marching bands. Really. I just need the right 3D design, because, If you build it, They will come.

  2. You are doing a wonderful thing, I watch your videos, I can’t afford you but I am inspired by you hopefully my little diy projects will work out!

  3. Hi I live in Florida and love your ideas. Especially, the screens that come hide and come down when need it. I need help!!!

  4. I Can't get anyone to give me a call back. I did have one Landscaper come out to give us a bid & he never got back to us!! They all told us they have way too much work & not enough employees!! WHY do they even set up booths at the Home Improvement Shows?? We were told that a Backyard pool install was a 3 year waiting list!!

  5. I'm in Big Bear, California and I have a 10,060 sq ft back yard with dirt and rocks a blank canvas. Would love to have your help in designing the back yard. Thank you! Marie

  6. Hi Micah, I’ve really enjoyed your videos and hope you can offer some direction. You’re correct in that every Landscape Designer we’ve had out here has only discussed plant design with vague references to patio over here or place a table over there. We live on top of a hill and the backyard is just a deck and is very windy. Umbrellas and chairs blow around plus the gas BBQ doesn’t work in such high winds. So, our plan is to utilize the front yard as our primary outdoor living space. We live on a private single lane road so there’s very little traffic. However, my dilemma is how do we make the front yard look appealing and inviting while not obstructing views from inside our home. We live in Southern California in Temecula CA. Thanks for your help!

  7. Hey Micha, love all your videos, been watching for awhile. My wife and I live in Georgetown, TX (right outside of Austin) and are preparing to move to a brand new house (still in Georgetown) within the next couple months. I have been spending a lot of time thinking about how we want to design our backyard and layout it out for optimal hosting/parties but also to give us some privacy from the neighbors. I have a lot of thoughts/ideas but not really sure how to make it a reality, would love to connect and get some insight and potentially a 3D design. Thanks.

  8. Hello Micah, I am in Killeen, Texas and would love help with my backyard. You said you will be in Texas praying we can meet! Thank you and stay wonderful and bless.

  9. We've got a huge blank slate for a backyard that I'm dying to turn into an outdoor living area for us (wife and child), and for hosting others. Greater Toronto Area. Need your help!

  10. His Micah I’m a disabled veteran and I have a big backyard and have no clue how or what to do. I don’t have a lot of money but would definitely love your expertise. I’m located in Savannah Ga. I’ve been watching your videos and I am listening. PLEASE HELP!!!!

  11. My backyard needs help. We had 9 trees removed to install a fence. Husband thinks wood chips is a great feature. I hate it. We are near Salem, New Hampshire.

  12. This video is eye opening – thank you for your honesty and no wishy washy direct approach. It's nice to watch a professional expert get straight to the point with visual examples to help clueless people, like myself, understand exactly what you are telling us. We most definitley need your help. We moved to the mountains after the loss of my BF's child. He needed to regroup, be alone with his feelings and thoughts, and find what gives him a feeling of purpose and some happiness. The previous owners were here for over 30 years and there is landscaping, buildings, pathways, decks, a fire pit and and a slated area with a short stone wall on the open side of it . It's alot – it's not private even though there are woods around us. We have used the fire pit once, Sept. Will be 1 year since we moved in. We are in the gorgeous Shenandoah River mountains of Virginia – an area that is all about the outdoors. People come here to vacation and find peace and quiet. We are experiencing the exact opposite. I believe there is a strong connection with nature and healing if you have the right environment around you. We need your help creating that safe, private, calming outdoor space. I know this will help bring some peace in and push a little of the pain out. Kindest Regards. Cabin in VA!!

  13. Awsome video! I'm looking to do my backyard over…i need help! I have some idea's but i bet yours are better

  14. First time in your channel and I quickly subscribed. I live in Australia, will that work if I were to engage your services?

  15. Your so called “mistakes” would depend heavily on the climate you live in. Here in Arizona, if your dining area was out in the open it would NEVER get used, especially in the summer! Shade and cover is mandatory here. In your closed off mind or area what you’re suggesting may work, but don’t say that these design decisions are mistakes because depending on the environment they aren’t.

  16. You could have made a really positive, enlightening video offering great tips. I couldn't listen more than a few minutes to your know all, condescending attitude.

  17. Hi Backyard Design people- We're in the process of backyard renos- at the planning stages now – have 2 D done and now 3D done – so uninspiring results- giving them one more chance and would love a second opinion. I love all your video's but my challenge is we live in Toronto where the temperatures are cold 8 mths of the yr so to have destination areas closer to the house makes sense. Lets pls connect.

  18. I stopped watching in the first 5 minutes because I felt like you were yelling at me. And I don’t even have a patio 😂

  19. I’m is Northridge California and I need to a low cost design for my backyard. The kitchen remodel was an expensive nightmare going over two years now.

    Half for pets and children with artificial turf with perimeter smooth gravel so pets and children won’t hurt themselves if they run or all in that area.
    Other half for table and seating with an umbrella, non-fixed fireplace with movable seating. Two areas?
    There’s a slight slope since these homes were originally double terraced but have since broken down way before I moved here. Not sure it that’s even an issue other than it needs to be leveled for the hard areas.
    Maybe a pressure treated wood or interlock pavers with a cap that can double as seating and can help make that area level..?
    I will be adding raised garden beds probably in the gravel perimeter if that works.
    I don’t want raised garden beds to be too close to the fences…critters and neighbors are an issue.
    I’m thinking 5’ wide smooth gravel around the perimeter and maybe a dry riverbed to breakup the gravel look if I can afford it. Also some type of inexpensive paver or thick large outside tile product for the hard areas that will lead from the covered porch to the outside areas. Also a walkway from porch to the left and right of the porch that both lead to gated side yards and water water spickets.
    The BBQ will likely stay under the covered porch.
    I would like to make the existing porch concrete blend in with whatever materials are used…stamped concrete or maybe a stain..?
    One or two outside rugs..?
    It needs to be very low cost but I want it to function and the seating and fire pit to be movable.
    There’s already a covered porch with 1951 plain concrete that I want to blend in with whatever I add.Maybe some kind of concrete stamping or staining.
    My taste is no clutter and kinda modern that leans towards Zen or Asian but inviting.
    I don’t have a lot of people over at one time so it doesn’t need to be huge.
    Seating and pillows, the less the better, need to be removed and stored inside because I hate bugs and spiders but they seem to love to bite me all the time.
    Also, I am disabled and having a bumpy surface or a surface that has gaps is an invitation for me to go to the ER.
    Having typed all of this out it seems impossible.
    Since the kitchen nightmare has happened I feel defeated and depressed.
    I really don’t think I’ll ever have a home that is relaxing to me and inviting, clean and tidy.
    All I see is STRESS and that’s the one thing the doctors tell me I have to avoid or I will never stop getting worse.
    I wish all the doctors could live with ME/CFS/FMS and then tell me they wouldn’t keep looking for ANYTHING to make the pain go away or even lessen…or sleep for two nights in a row and for more than two hours when sleep does come.
    I suppose I’m desperate. Sorry for spilling all of that to you. I don’t have a family and after being sick for over 24 years friends are few and far between. The few good friends I have we’re smart but Southern California and I should’ve followed them when they did.💔

  20. I really like your videos but my back yard is on a 30deg slope. I would love to see unique solutions you have done for non-traditional flat yards

  21. do you have any 2D designs available for budget friendly available? I do appreciate the 1on 1 meetings. Would that be helpful in creating a new backyard. Right now our backyard is pretty much empty. We even need to add a wall as one side has chicken wire fencing.

  22. Yeah cause you added more cement and made a structure just spend more money thats all

  23. Im in Hayward, Ca and I am on serious budget *single parent issues haha and have a lot of dirt and a huge shed and not a ton of space, just laid down a slab of concrete to give my kids a place to run around on, but now I am rethinking my design after watching this video. I also wanted a deck outside of my master (but just saw the video, don't do a deck, haha) and a playground for my kiddos and a garden for our family.I am growing trees right now, and don't even know where to place them and i want an gazebo, and i was thinking about putting the dining table, but clearly this mama needs supports.I definitely need to rethink my whole space -_- This was a great video and love your channel!

  24. I love my dining table under my structure. Living in the tropics we get heavy rain as well as extreme heat during the day. The structure allows us to enjoy the outdoors in all weather.

  25. I need help. I have a huge backyard and I don't have the skills. Well I thought I did. lol I'm out of Portsmouth, VA near Norfolk

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