Backyard Garden

Best Backyard (BUDGET) Ideas

NOT Cheap! Budget ideas that look LUXURY. Here are my Best Backyard Budget tips and ideas. This video will help you SAVE MONEY and Create an AMAZING BACKYARD! –

3D Design (of your Backyard)-

Design Course (Step by Step on how to Design YOUR OWN BACKYARD)

1 on 1 Zoom Meeting with Micah

Comment if you have any Questions. I will do my best to answer them for you ASAP.

Thank you


  1. Hi Micah, I want to change my backyard and do it myself, how and where can I learn how to design and change my backyard? Thanks

  2. Very well presented, thanks for all the great family friendly ideas, so inspiring! Thank you Micah!

  3. Micah, Thank you once again for sharing this video. You have given me some wonderful and inexpensive ideas for my backyard. I’m trying to talk my hubster into removing the old concrete and replacing it with paver stones, but for him this would be a future project. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾😀😃

  4. Great video! Thanks! I liked to see different images of the same concept!

  5. THANK YOU, SO MUCH FOR THIS VIDEO, I REALLY APPRECIATE IT….IT ANSWERED SOME QUESTIONS….I absolutely love this video extremely helpful .👍🏾

  6. This budget video was great, just to go from lower to higher end. What state do you work from? Can someone buy plans from you foe their yard??

  7. Really loving the backyard ideas, thanks! I feel like this might be a dumb question, but how do you keep everything clean, especially all the furniture and the kitchen stuff?

  8. I have a question How much should I save / budget for a project being hardscape , outdoor kitchen/bar and cover structure? Will 80k be enough? I’m in maryland

  9. Where are you located? I live in Jacksonville Florida! I need help with my back yard please

  10. Love your videos. One thing that would help is if you also included the space the project takes up. Especially,, where people are limited with small yards it would help a lot. An example, the outdoor covered area we were able to put in a 10 ft by 20 ft space etc. Thanks

  11. I appreciate this video. I’m overwhelmed with where to begin with designing my backyard space. I love the crushed gravel idea!

  12. I love the idea of backyard living, Coyotes however are a big problem. Any ideas in keeping them out? Afraid for my small dogs and children 😩

  13. these are great ideas thanks! some feedback on the audio editing, the transition music is very jarring and loud. had me turning up and down the volume between segments

  14. Loooved this video! Elaborate ideas set on huge expanses of land are frustrating! But videos that are do-able in NORMAL yards are informative & even inspiring! Thank you!

  15. After 1 video I realized I absolutely ❤❤❤ your videos!!! Had no choice but to subscribe! Thanks for making me see that I and my backyard deserve to have a professionals touch!

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