Front Yard Garden

Creating a Front Yard Garden to Engage the Community- Sustainable Living

Creating a Front Yard Garden to Engage the Community featuring The Moon Gardener, Chantal Lemoine. This is part of the Humans Who Grow Food and Rob Greenfield series. Humans Who Grow Food features stories of home gardeners, farmers and community gardens across borders and cultures.

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Follow Humans Who Grow Food: @humanswhogrowfood


Filmed by Marc Victoria
Edited by Daniel Saddleton

Rob Greenfield’s work is Creative Commons and this content is free to be republished and redistributed, following the terms of the creative commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license. Learn about Creative Commons and see the guidelines here:

Rob Greenfield is an activist and humanitarian dedicated to leading the way to a more sustainable and just world. He embarks on extreme projects to bring attention to important global issues and inspire positive change. 100% of his media income is donated to grassroots nonprofits.
His YouTube channel is a source to educate, inspire and help others to live more sustainable, equal and just lives. Videos frequently cover sustainable living, simple living, growing your own food, gardening, self-sufficiency, minimalism, off the grid living, zero waste, living in a tiny house and permaculture.

Find Rob Greenfield on:
Instagram: @RobJGreenfield
Twitter: @RobJGreenfield


  1. Classy lady, I share her passion for my organic garden and food forest. It's the most important movement happening right now in society. To grow our own food and help others do the same in the spirit of community. We are all one. Namaste.

  2. Those 24 people who dislike the video( Are they ok) If you don't like gardening just Ignore it. That's was unnecessary

  3. What a beautiful human being. She has so much positive impact on the people around. And the garden looks amazing.

  4. It irritates me when people say "The world needs more people like Chantal". This is a lazy comment, hoping that "someone out there" will do the work. I would prefer to see "Wow! I She has inspired me so much that´m going to go out and do something like she has done!" (In fact, several of the comments below are of people who have been inspired to take action!)

  5. She feels like the magical neighborhood witch that you want on every street corner. The value she brings to her community and beyond is immense. I dream of being this brave – the social anxiety I feel just thinking about interacting with my neighbors in this way is overwhelming, yet I also crave that community connection. I'm just starting out learning to garden, but I hope that someday I can cultivate such a beautiful space <3

  6. Love this! This is why we need housing security so we can set up mutual aid like Chantal did by using our yards to grow food to nourish ourselves and the community. Without places for the public to grow their own food we won't be able to reach our goal of sustainability. For the poor and marginalized the common public good is essential as we often don't have private property to sustain ourselves. Wonderful video! Chantal's generosity of spirit is a lesson to the me, my, mine attitude we all currently suffer under in the USA.

  7. She has more from her heritage in regards to that plant than most and BTW. what most people think is their heritage is fabricated, & they don't even know that remember that

  8. Strong willpower , resilience, and a loving humanity is what this beautiful woman represents here. All humanity must garden, for that is the key for defeating fascism ad food shortages ! Bravo my lady!

  9. I love what you are doing, I`ve loved to garden for 50 years. Do you have many young people getting interested ?

  10. Such an inspirational lady!
    Hoep her neighbors and many of us will adapt planting like she does..

  11. OMG, you're telling my story. Standing in the kitchen was agonizing after 10/15 minutes. But moving around in the garden was healing. I'm almost off my last medication.
    Thank you, Rob.

  12. Thank you so much for sharing. I've been looking for these typeo of example. Sustainable communities is a special insterest of mine. Your experience is important to me for you are showing that is possible to live your dream in spite of health concerns, and one of mine is being an amputee for the past 8 yrs.

  13. this video is amazing and inspiring, and keeps getting better. i was so touched by the plant that has been preserved and cared for since before the middle passage.

  14. The Aloe story had me tearing up. I love seeing videos of people taking back control of their health and food and giving back to the community.

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