Japanese Garden

Japanese Garden Design – Basic principles and ideas for small and large gardens.

Japanese Garden Design – Ideas and Examples

Excellent for small spaces, traditional Japanese garden design can give you many ideas that can be applied to your landscaping project.

The elements of good design for Japanese Gardens actually come from ancient Chinese literature, and the name Kenroku-en, one of the 3 best gardens in Japan actually means a garden combining six.

We look at how you can use the basic elements in your garden design. They can be applied even in small backyard gardens.

The Six elements that relate to Japanese style gardens are listed.

1.Seclusion – This is obtained by creating small enclosed areas
2.Spaciousness – An open area, this could be a lawn, or a pond.
3.Artificiality – Trained and pruned trees, artificial rock outcrops, hills, mounds and similar.
4.Antiquity – The use of old statues and objects including old stone pathways.
5.Waterways – The use of water is essential, streams, ponds, fountains and waterfalls as well as water containers
6.Panoramas – Views, either to areas outside the garden or positions within the garden, such as a hilled or raised area where much of the garden can be viewed.


  1. Great video! can you recommend any books that cover this topic more in-depth?

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