Vegetable Gardening

Vegetable Gardening in North Texas – What You Can Grow

Vegetable Gardening in North Texas – What You Can Grow
You can see what we’ve grown through the years in our north Texas vegetable garden.

Traveller by The 126ers

Birds in Flight and Glen Canyon by Dan Lebowitzby

Morning Mandolin by Chris Haugen


  1. I’m so glad you posted this! Makes me look forward to this years garden. I am nurturing my tomato,pepper,and eggplant “babies”under lights. I’m in zone 8a(Hunt,co)…keep it up,Jilly!

  2. I love your garden can’t wait to get started on my garden this year keep up the good and hard work God bless You

  3. Just subbed! I'm in North Texas too. Never grown vegitables before… but i'm going to try and do a container garden on our porch. 😡 hopefully i dont kill everything LOL

  4. I’m a Beginner gardener in North Texas because of the quarantine. Can you tell me what vegetables that I can’t grow since it’ll get so hot in the Summer??? I’d hate to buy and plant just to lose em when the 100 degree weather hits

  5. This is amazing! I want to start gardening are you in the Dallas area? I'm north of dallas and want to know if this would work

  6. Hey there! I love your channel, i’m in the DFW area and am wanting to get serious about my gardening! Do you have a chart or a list of when and what you should begin to plant for summer/fall gardens 💚

  7. It's been so hot this year already, my greens bolted on me 🙁 My Hubbard squash are taking over the garden and my tomato plants are about 5ft tall! I even tried corn and potatoes this year along with all kinds of edible flowers and herbs.

  8. I just moved 10 miles E of DFW from Las Vegas. My boyfriend says fire ants will take out an in ground garden here. Right now I have containers on the deck next to our lake with my little vegetables, but I want more!! We’re on 5 acres. Any suggestions on how to grow in the ground and avoid the fire ants and still keep it organic?

  9. I'm in North Texas as well. I am interested to learn which vegetables or crops we can grow in rotation with the seasons that way we will have food all year round.

  10. I’ve binge watched all the videos on this play list tonight. I love your videos! We are in north Texas as well. We are beginner gardeners, and are limited to back yard container gardens for now. I seed started (indoors) a few things this weekend. So exciting! This is my 2nd year and I learned a lot last year.

  11. Hi I’m from north Texas too and was wondering when is best to began planting? February or March

  12. Just found your channel. We’re in Anna, TX. 🙂 Moved here in November. Starting our gardens for the first time here.
    Looking forward to learning more from you.

  13. Hello 😊 We are looking to move to Texas. Could you please recommend some northern towns for us to consider if we are planning to garden regularly? We plan to grow as much food as will grow in a certain area. Thanks!

  14. Glad I found your channel. I love to see what and how others are growing in north Texas. I'm just outside of Tyler. Your garden looks great. Hope you're making it through this very hot and dry summer this year.

  15. Found your channel a bit late but glad I did. Your garden looks great – thanks for the vid. I love seeing what and how others are growing. I'm just outside Tyler, TX. Hope you and yours made it through Covid and are handling the heat and drought this year (2022).

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