Backyard Garden

Small Landscape Design Ideas (15 Secrets)

Here are my top 15 Secrets for Designing a Small Backyard –

3D Design –

Meeting with Micah –

You might be amazed with how much you can do even in a Small Backyard or Garden. These 15 ideas will save you a lot of hassle and money.

Let me know which one you like the most? Thank you


  1. Beautiful designs! I've been following you for a couple of years and I REALLY want my small space done by YOU!

  2. Hello from Austin, TX. Let me tell you about insects… Spiders, scorpions, mosquitoes are a constant battle. So I try to focus on not creating a bunch of hiding places for spiders/scorpions with too many soft surfaces, etc. This may not sound glamorous, but bug lights are helpful at night. Tiki torches and citronella help, but are not a solution for mosquitos here. We usually have to pay for professional yard spraying that is supposed to last the summer season. But, I've been trying out the Thermacel systems and I think they are working.

  3. I’m torn. I want to landscape my yard but would that be a waste if I know that I want to build my backyard with all these ideas in mind?

  4. I love the way you walk us through these designs. So much great content and suggestions here.
    New subscriber here 💙

  5. These are all great ideas but I've watched about 5 of your videos and they keep repeating the same photos and ideas! I'll be skipping a lot of your content if there's nothing new!

  6. Wow!You just helped me with how are we going to put the deck in from our new French doors!8:21 is perfect!!

  7. Add PLANTS AND HERBS that repel insects and pests as part of the folage and or decor. Many smell wonderful can also be edible and used in cooking too.

  8. 2 seconds in, I see a fireplace vent on the far left that doesn’t look right. I’m not blaming you guys, it was probably already like that.

  9. Mosquitoes, blackflies, wasps and no-see-ums have spoiled many a party where I live. Definitely worth looking into as a potential video topic.

  10. I love your work and videos. Do you have the ability to work on the east coast, and do you finance? Specifically in Hampton Virginia.

  11. This would cost an arm and a leg, though. At least from the examples you’re showing. 50-100k easily! Do you have any examples for the struggling, middle-class labor communities?

  12. Great ideas, thanks for including small yards! One cautionary tale though. A relative paid good money to install a water fall with a small collection pond similar to one you featured. The sound of flowing water was so loud it hindered conversation! And then there's the mosquito issue. There are inexpensive store bought fountains that can serve the same purpose that are quieter, cheaper, & can be moved to different places which can be nice! I hate not having flexibility (I get bored) & my patio is rarely the same each summer season!

  13. I need a complete backyard makeover do you service Oklahoma? Serious inquiry even design help would be appreciated

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