Gardening Trends

Gardening Trends for 2020

This video was recorded during the reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.


  1. Oh no Sean. For godsake. Some people have a nerve. Get that spread wide around the area it happened in. So sorry to hear of such unfortunate circumstances.

  2. Oh no, there are some awful people about Sean. So sorry to hear about the theft.
    On another note, I’ve been using QuadGrows for about four years now and thoroughly recommend them 👍🏼

  3. Sorry it was such a bad ending to a great day! Thanks for showing what you did have, the no soil growing was quite interesting.

  4. Sorry about your camera, unfortunately we have to live with this low life.

  5. I agree with what Alan said….it really made me laugh!! Its not funny though….I'm sorry about your camera Sean.

  6. Great to see what's going on in the gardening world ,why is it only open to media ? did you get invited? Shocking and annoying for you to have lost your footage from the afternoon ☹

  7. I use a cold frame at the beginning of the spring and then again in the fall…. to bad they don't really have any products you can buy…. Just off the shelf….I make my own….ya…what goes around usually come back to bite you….hope the thief gets his/ hers…

  8. Well, really some people just don't seem to care about anything except themselves. So sorry Sean, but stealing is something I just can't stand. If you want something, ask politely and you just might be surprised. Of course, those that do this won't see this suggestion. I just wasted all of our time. Sigh… Stay safe.

  9. In America your homeowners’ or renters’ insurance would cover the equipment theft. You have a lot of subscribers…why don’t you let us all chip in a few dollars to replace that stuff? I really enjoy and appreciate your work.

  10. I’d love to set up a hydroponic system that large but no space I can use for it currently. Also I wish the thief all the threefold he’s earned with his present acts of bad karma.

  11. The times we live in, right? I’m sorry about your camera bag Sean. 😔 Thank you for taking us all, much appreciated. 😉

  12. Oh that is sad 😔So sorry to hear some people can be so unkind. Interesting stalls that you did manage to film though.

  13. Hi from Scotland hi Sean great vidio I am so sorry to hear about your stolen camera bloody thiefs they don't stop to think what affect it has on the person they stole from hope your ok stay safe take care Anne Scott from Scotland

  14. What goes around comes around, I hope they get all that's coming to them. So sorry you're day ended badly. On a brighter note, I thoroughly enjoyed your walkabout. Those tomatoes were great 👍

  15. That was an interesting video and I enjoyed it.I am so vexed on your behalf for someone stealing your camera..makes my blood boil.Hope you can replace it soon.

  16. Geez-Louise, you have to attach em to your body to keep em. Did you check the lost and found, and local pon shops? you should use your phone for now, many only use that.

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